My Daughter’s Entrance to Blogging

September 23, 2008

OK, so a red pepper doesn’t have a direct bearing on the integration of Psychology and Theology.  But this one relates to me because it represents my daughter’s entrance into the blogging world.  I like her blog because she writes not only about things interest her (e.g. fish and veggies) but also things that others can benefit from.  Even though my world is characterized more by pasta and chocolate, I can learn about the positive contributions of fish and veggies to a healthy life.  Check it out.  Click on the pepper.

Bridge to Children through Compassion

September 7, 2008

Several of my prior posts have talked about the nature and importance of bridges.  A friend of mine recently introduced me to Compassion International.  It’s an organization that helps us (to whom much has been given) to connect with some kids who don’t even have the basics.  Here are some highlights about it:


  • Founded in 1952, Compassion International ( is a child development organization committed to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
  • Compassion has worked with over one million children in 24 countries through one-on-one sponsorship.
  • Compassion has received top marks for financial integrity and accountability from numerous organizations including Charity Navigator, American Institute of Philanthropy, Ministry Watch, Smart Money Magazine, Forbes Magazine, and the Evangelical Counsel for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
  • To sponsor a child or to learn more about child sponsorship and Compassion, go to or contact John Alagood (214) 263-6659

John shared his personal experiences with Compassion International and I want to share his article with you.  Be careful, it’s motivational and may move you to take action on your need to demonstrate compassion.

Too Small to Ignore


The van kicked up clouds of dust as we drove away, obscuring our view of small hands and arms waving goodbye.  We had done eternal work – a Vacation Bible School for the poorest of the poor near Juarez, Mexico.  With songs, hugs, crafts and love, we had gently introduced these impoverished children to our savior.  But the VBS was over – the children’s laughter fading behind us.  Soon the absence of crosses lining the road, even more than the U.S. border guard, told me we were back in the States.

As we drove back toward home, family, and jobs, (and for me a nearly new marriage) I thought of the kids we left behind.  Many of them now knew Jesus, and all were made in God’s image, but each returned home to a cardboard shelter.  I earnestly wished better for them, but even the sentiment stung as James’ words came to mind “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?”

That was the year I first heard the dissonance – a faint, grumbling counterpoint to my privileged, protected life like an off-key note Read the rest of this entry »