What’s It Like to Visit West Africa?

March 24, 2017

This recruiting video just came off the press.  It captures what it’s like to visit West Africa.  I participated in last year’s trip, spending most of my time with the adults, but the children stole the show.  Watch it and feel the mood.  Then you’ll understand why I want to return to Africa.



Into Africa

June 11, 2010

Ambilike Mwangomo

This is the man who opened my mind and heart to  go to Tanzania, Africa this August.   Not for a safari, although that would be fun.  We’re going to provide training for pastors from around the country.  My role will be to teach pastoral counseling.

Ambilike is a doctoral student at Dallas Theological Seminary and kept asking me when I could come and help.  He’s as winsome as he is persuasive.    It’s amazing what can happen when a man loves his country and loves his Lord.  Vision gives way to plans which turn into action.   It’s an honor for me to be on his team.

Tanzania, Africa

This is where Tanzania is.  It used to be called Tanganyika.

If you have the time to read further, here are some of Ambilike’s thoughts about why it is important to train leaders in Africa.

Why Is It Important to Train Leaders in Africa

The church in Africa is growing at a very fast rate that there is a greater need for leaders to nurture the new believers in their faith. In Tanzania, for instance, the number of born again believers more than doubled from about 2.3mil in 1990s to 5.7 mil in 2000s raising the number of evangelicals to 17% of the population. The reality of the growth is not just statistical as it is evidenced by, among other things, the continuous increase in the number Read the rest of this entry »

A Final Note

June 22, 2023

Over the years I’ve enjoyed writing about the integration of theology and psychology, as well as my numerous mission trips around the world. Since retiring, I’d like this website to remain accessible for everyone who is interested. Here are quick links to a few popular posts:

Cedars of Lebanon

Forgiveness: What It Isn’t and How to Do It

What It’s Like to Visit West Africa

It Was a Very Busy Weekend